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What happens when your mom cooks something gross?

There is nothing I dread more than " Locrio de Arenque ". Ok....there are A LOT of things I dread equally or more than that " locrio ", but... I do hate it! Locrio de Arenque is a rice-codfish dish popular in  the Dominican Republic. Some people (my mom and younger sister) absolutely love it, others (the whole world) hate it with passion! You can find me in the "haters" group 24/7. So, after talking a nice bus ride to Target and finding the store was closed (it's EASTER not New Years Day, why are they closed???), I headed back home to find my mom had made LDA. Needless to say, I was not thrilled. The house stinks, and the locrio is gross. I was upset to have wasted my time traveling to the store, which was closed...and now, I was starving! What to do?.... Spinach bunch in boiling water These are the moments I look through the food board on my Pinterest account or any of my cook books. I was inspired by many of the dishes I looked at, but on...

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