So...this is why I am finally writing a food blog!
Opening words to a blog or, any written work for that matter, are the hardest part about writing (besides grammar, ugh). But, I realized that I wanted everything about my blog to be authentic and have a little piece of me. Those of you who know me well and know the real me know that, I love a lot of things and getting to concentrate on just one topic has been a huge task. But, the most natural topic to revolve all of my ranting and musings on is We create memories around food. We associate events around food. Food is part of our social and private lives. It is the natural thing for me to write about.
I haven't always cooked and baked as much as I do now. Yes, I have always loved food and willed myself to try new cuisines. My grandfather (dad's dad) was an amazing chef. No, he did not have a diploma that said he was a chef, but he was a great one. He loved food and experimented with everything he had at hand. The fondest food memories I have from my childhood are mostly related to things he made for us. But, his legacy did not affect me until much later.
I always felt cooking was like a pathway to my thoughts and feelings so I always limited the food I made for others, which was mostly brownies. Boring, but safe. Two summers ago, I read a book about a woman who went through a very traumatic event and instead of talking to her loved ones, she cooked…and cooked...and cooked. Therapeutic, right? Well, she also put her feelings into her food. If she was angry, the curry would be spicy if she were upset, something would be lacking. When I read the book, I hated the story but I identified with her way of cooking and finally understood why food felt so personal to me. But I didn't start cooking right away. I kept buying cook books, signing up to blogs, researching different cuisines, and wandering into random restaurants and hole-in-the-wall type places (sometimes alone). I was a dormant chef. Then, stress hit!
To deal with stress, none of my other hobbies (there are MANY) were helping. One day I came home and looked through all my cook books and recipe archives. I felt so calm thinking of the different ways I would make a dish my own. The next day, I went to a Trader Joe's (a popular supermarket in the USA) and bought a few random things. When I got home, I started cooking. I modified, sautéed and chopped. The feeling I got that night defined who I am as a foodie chef today!
I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy writing it and don't forget to savor every bite!
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